Trans European decomposition index study in arable soils with different crop species diversity using 13C-labelled litter


Póster presentado en la Sessión 8 en el Joint European Stable Isotope Users group Meeting JESIUM 2022 Kuopio, Finland Online 10–14 October 2022.Mixed species systems are currently increasing in area in Europe providing opportunities for sustainable intensification of agriculture. The agroforestry systems cover about 9% of the utilized agricultural area and integrated crop livestock systems occupy a major place in the European agricultural area including perennial forage grasses and grasslands sown with varying degrees of duration. Intercropping and other mixed cash crop systems are currently less developed in the EU. The EU EJP-SOIL funded MIXROOT-C project (2021-2024) is gaining a management-oriented understanding of the effect of mixed-species root systems on carbon flow and organic matter accumulation in European agricultural soils.N

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