Examining the Size of the Latent Space of Convolutional Variational Autoencoders Trained With Spectral Topographic Maps of EEG Frequency Bands


Electroencephalography (EEG) is a technique of recording brain electrical potentials using electrodes placed on the scalp [1]. It is well known that EEG signals contain essential information in the frequency, temporal and spatial domains. For example, some studies have converted EEG signals into topographic power head maps to preserve spatial information [2]. Others have produced spectral topographic head maps of different EEG bands to both preserve information in The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Ludovico Minati . the spatial domain and take advantage of the information in the frequency domain [3]. However, topographic maps contain highly interpolated data in between electrode locations and are often redundant. For this reason, convolutional neural networks are often used to reduce their dimensionality and learn relevant features automatically [4]

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