
Water Justice City Profile: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Translocal Learning for Water Justice. (WatJust) is an action-learning alliance led by Prof. Adriana Allen at the Development Planning Unit (DPU, University College London). Launched in September 2014, WatJust explores the transformative potential of alternative water supply arrangements—small-scale, low-cost management practices, and new configurations of water governance—undertaken for and by the peri-urban poor in three urban regions: Kolkata (India), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Cochabamba (Bolivia). The documentation and analysis of these practices aims to build the foundations of an innovative, grounded and in-depth exploration of the extent to which such arrangements can enhance water justice in a context where unmet needs are growing fastest, and where conventional centralised networks are unlikely to become the norm any time soon. Foundational to the project is the establishment of a translocal learning alliance in collaboration with the three project partnerships. This report represents one of three profiles exploring the specific and localized manifestations of water injustices and alternative arrangements, mapping these approaches as a source of dialogue, comparison, and learning

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