The cold fission barriers of heavy and superheavy nuclei (Z=80-120) are computed using two macroscopic models, the Yukawa-plus-exponential and the proximity potential. No shell and pairing corrections have been added. Unexpectedly, the barriers are showing two maxima in a wide region of nuclei (Z=96-120, mostly neutron-deficient ones) and various mass and charge asymmetries, lower for lighter nuclei and larger for heavier ones. The rather shallow minimum separating the maxima can reach a depth of 37 keV in the Yukawa-plus-exponential model and 190 keV in the proximity potential model.Fisijski bedemi teških i superteških jezgri (Z = 80 − 120) određeni su u dva makroskopska modela (Yukawa + eksponencijalni potencijal i blizinski potencijal) ne izračunavajući korekcije ljuske i sparivanje. U širokom području jezgri (Z = 96−120, uglavnom s manjkom neutrona), različitih masa i asimetrija naboja, bedemi imaju dva maksimuma, koji su niži za lakše jezgre a viši za teže jezgre. Plitki minimum izmedu maksimuma doseže dubinu 37 keV u Yukawa + eksponencijalnom modelu i 190 keV u modelu blizinskog potencijala