Comptonovo raspršenje unatrag HF rendgenskog zračenja u germaniju


The differential cross section, d2σ/dΩdE, for Compton scattering in germanium was measured by observing detector-to-detector scattering using the coincidence method. The experiment was performed at incident energies of 55.791 and 54.612 keV and scattering angle of ϑ = 180◦ . The method applied is compared with the corresponding measurements in the singles mode, i.e. using the source-scattererdetector assembly. We found that the coincidence method yields better results, especially in the region below the peak due to scattering on weakly bound electrons. However, it is restricted to the investigation of Compton scattering in detector materials. Experimental results are compared with theoretical calculations based on the ”A2 -Born” and the impulse approximations.Diferencijalni udarni presjek, d2σ/dΩdE, za Comptonovo raspršenje unatrag mjerio se opažanjem raspršenja iz detektora u detektor i primjenom sudesne metode. Energije fotona bile su 55,791 keV i 54,612 keV i kut raspršenja ϑ = 180◦ . Nova metoda daje bolje rezultate od ranije u kojoj se rabio sustav izvor–raspršivač– detektor. Rezultati mjerenja se uspoređuju s teorijskima, proračunatim na osnovi ”A2 -Bornove” i na osnovi impulsne aproksimacije

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