Magnetska svojstva monokristala bizmuta punjenih galijem i indijem


Diamagnetic susceptibility in single crystals of bismuth doped with gallium and indium has been measured as a function of temperature between 100 and 300 K. Susceptibility decreases with the increase of temperature for each of the samples and also with the increase of the percentage of impurity. An attempt has been made to explain properly the observed phenomena on the basis of the large diamagnetism exhibited by valence electrons.Mjerili smo dijamagnetsku susceptibilnost monokristala bizmuta punjenih galijem i indijem u ovisnosti o temperaturi između 100 i 300 K. Susceptibilnost se smanjuje s povećanjem temperature i povećanjem punjenja za sve uzorke. Predlažemo tumačenje postignutih ishoda mjerenja na osnovi jakog dijamagnetizma koji pokazuju valentni elektroni

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