Razlamanje i tvorba čestica u duboko-neelastičnom raspršenju i fototvorbi


Charged particle production has been studied in deep inelastic scattering with the H1 and ZEUS detectors at HERA. The evolution of scaled momentum distribution with respect to Q2 is shown in the current fragmentation region of the Breit frame in the range from 10 to 40000 GeV2. Characteristics of the produced particle are presented for (anti)deuteron, (anti)protons, kaon pair production as well as (anti)lambda and K0.Istraživali smo tvorbu nabijenih čestica u duboko-neelastičnom raspršenju s detektorima H1 i ZEUS kod HERA-e. Pokazujemo razvoj sumjerne impulsne raspodjele u ovisnosti o Q2 u području strujnog razlamanja u Breitovom sustavu u području od 10 do 40000 GeV2 . Predstavljaju se značajke ovih proizvedenih čestica: (anti)deuterona, (anti)protona, parova kaona, (anti)lambda i K0

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