In the past decades, model averaging (MA) has attracted much attention as it
has emerged as an alternative tool to the model selection (MS) statistical
approach. Hansen [\emph{Econometrica} \textbf{75} (2007) 1175--1189] introduced
a Mallows model averaging (MMA) method with model weights selected by
minimizing a Mallows' Cp​ criterion. The main theoretical justification for
MMA is an asymptotic optimality (AOP), which states that the risk/loss of the
resulting MA estimator is asymptotically equivalent to that of the best but
infeasible averaged model. MMA's AOP is proved in the literature by either
constraining weights in a special discrete weight set or limiting the number of
candidate models. In this work, it is first shown that under these
restrictions, however, the optimal risk of MA becomes an unreachable target,
and MMA may converge more slowly than MS. In this background, a foundational
issue that has not been addressed is: When a suitably large set of candidate
models is considered, and the model weights are not harmfully constrained, can
the MMA estimator perform asymptotically as well as the optimal convex
combination of the candidate models? We answer this question in a nested model
setting commonly adopted in the area of MA. We provide finite sample
inequalities for the risk of MMA and show that without unnatural restrictions
on the candidate models, MMA's AOP holds in a general continuous weight set
under certain mild conditions. Several specific methods for constructing the
candidate model sets are proposed. Implications on minimax adaptivity are given
as well. The results from simulations back up our theoretical findings