This paper draws attention to the wide range of capacities of the roup, including chemical and physical deposition, modification and processing techniues, and advanced characterisations. In particular, this work demystifies the new plasma discharge method for the synthesis of thin films, which is still under development. Specifically, the coupled spark plasma ablation deposition (SPAD) can be performed at almost ambient conditions in various configurations with respect to several deposition reactors, proving powerful, versatile, green, and easy-to-use nature of the method. Composition-wise, up to 4 element material can be derived combining pure electrodes, however the derived composition can be broader when using alloy electrodes. It is indisputable that SPAD is capable of producing thin films at a significantly reduced cost compared to other methods.which we want to put in use for the constituent layers of the last generation of energy conversion devices. enerally, the SPAD optimisation envelope heavily differs for the case of intended products nanoparticle vs thin film, or metal vs metal oxide, or crystalline vs amorphous. Here, we will provide a more detailed description of the ablation parameters that are necessary to achieve the various crystallinities of nanomaterials. Copper nanoparticles and thin films were derived via SPAD and additionally thermally treated. (Micro)structural and thermal evolution points out to interesting development of the surface morphologies. In addition, the results enabled the correlation between oxygen plasma concentration and order of crystallinity in the thin films