Analiza oblika Kubelka–Munk spektralnih funkcija superionskih vodiča CuI, AgI, Cu2HgI4 i Ag2HgI4, u velikom intervalu temperatura


The changing shapes of the Kubelka-Munk spectral function of different solid phases of CuI, AgI, Cu2HgI4 and Ag2HgI4 were studied in a wide temperature range. The spectra consist generally of a single, light absorption like, band. The parameters of the spectra were compared. Their distribution as functions of frequency or temperature in the case of the phases of CuI and AgI are similar. Distributions of parameters related to the phases of Cu2HgI4 and Ag2HgI4 are alike only in the case of the full width at half maximum. The existence of already reported phases of the investigated compounds is confirmed.Pokazano je da oblik Kubelka–Munk spektralne funkcije istraživanih spojeva ovisi o kristalnoj fazi u kojoj se nalaze. Potvrđeno je postojanje faza tih spojeva navedenih u literaturi

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