Električna i preklopna svojstva tankih amorfnih slojeva ZnIn2Se4


In this work electrical and switching properties of amorphous ZnIn2Se4 thin films have been studied. The amorphous films were obtained by thermal evaporation in vacuum, of polycrystalline materials, on glass or pyrographite substrates. From electrical measurements, it was found that for all films the dark electrical resistivity decreases with an increase of film thickness and temperature. The ZnIn2Se4 films exhibit nonlinear I-V characteristics and switching phenomena. The threshold voltage decreases with increasing temperature and increases with increasing film thickness.Istraživala su se električna i preklopna svojstva tankih amorfnih slojeva ZnIn2Se4. Amorfni su slojevi pripremljeni naparavanjem polikristaliničnih materijala na staklene ili pirografitne podloge u vakuumu. Električna mjerenja pokazuju da se za sve slojeve električni otpor u tami smanjuje s povećanjem debljine sloja i temperature. Slojevi ZnIn2Se4 pokazuju nelinearnu ovisnost I − V i preklopna svojstva. Napon praga preklopa smanjuje se s povećanjem temperature i povećava za veće debljine slojeva

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