Surjective isometries on an algebra of analytic functions with CnC^n-boundary values (Research on preserver problems on Banach algebras and related topics)


Let , ⁻ and be the open unit disk, closed unit disk and unit circle in ℂ. Let AnA^n(⁻) denote the algebra of all continuous functions f on ⁻ which are analytic in and whose restrictions f| to T are of class CnC^n. For each f ∈ AnA^n(⁻), the k-th derivative of f| as a function on is denoted by D^k(f). We characterize surjective, not necessarily linear, isometries on AnA^n(⁻) with respect to the norm ∥f∥⁻ + Σ[n][k=1]∥DkD^k(f)∥/k!, where ∥ · ∥⁻ and ∥ · ∥ are the supremum norms on ⁻ and , respectively

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