Isolation of the Gene Encoding Yeast Peroxisomal Isocitrate Lyase by a Combination of the Plaque Hybridization with Non-Radioactive Probes and the Amplification of Phages in a Small Scale


A genomic DNA encoding isocitrate lyase, one of peroxisomal enzymes, was successfully isolated from an n-alkane-utilizable yeast genomic library prepared in a λEMBL phage by a combination of the plaque hybridization with a non-radioactive, biotin labeled, cDNA and the amplification of the phages in a small scale. Three clones, partially overlapping, with sizes of about 11, 13 and 16 kbp respectively were finally obtained. The genomic Southern blot analysis using the biotin-labeled probe suggested the presence of one isocitrate lyase gene in the genomic DNA

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