Deep Generative Modelling of Human Behaviour


Human action is naturally intelligible as a time-varying graph of connected joints constrained by locomotor anatomy and physiology. Its prediction allows the anticipation of actions with applications across healthcare, physical rehabilitation and training, robotics, navigation, manufacture, entertainment, and security. In this thesis we investigate deep generative approaches to the problem of understanding human action. We show that the learning of generative qualities of the distribution may render discriminative tasks more robust to distributional shift and real-world variations in data quality. We further build, from the bottom-up, a novel stochastically deep generative modelling model taylored to the problem of human motion and demonstrate many of it’s state-of-the-art properties such as anomaly detection, imputation in the face of incomplete examples, as well as synthesis—and conditional synthesis—of new samples on massive open source human motion datasets compared to multiple baselines derived from the most relevant pieces of literature

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