Developing and evaluating a coordinated person-based signal control paradigm in a corridor network


Connected Vehicles (CVs) provide both vehicle trajectory data and occupancy information to the junction controller, which make person-based signal controls to be possible by realizing the importance of reducing person delay. This study presents a coordinated person-based signal control algorithm (C-PBC), which has extended a previously developed approach from isolated junctions to multiple junctions. C-PBC incorporates vehicle information that is outside the CV communication range from the adjacent junction. It also updates data inputs for signal optimization algorithms based on formulated different arrival vehicle trajectory situations and coordinated data supplement algorithms. The developed algorithm has been evaluated using simulation with benchmarking signal control methods under a variety of scenarios involving CV penetration rates and predictive horizons. The results indicate that C-PBC is able to significantly improve person delay reduction when compared with fixed time control and vehicle-based control using CV data in 100% CV penetration rate under saturated flow conditions

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