The role of museums, collections, and objects in supporting higher education student mental well-being and quality of learning


This chapter focuses on the potential role of museums and cultural collections in facilitating student well-being. In order to investigate the potential relationship between object engagement and student well-being, several groups of students undertaking modules that involved engaging with museum objects were asked to participate in an anonymous online survey. The UCL students who participated in the survey seemed to recognise the need to cope more effectively with stress manifested in the fact that over three-quarters of respondents thought that well-being activities should be incorporated into taught modules, with 30% of them proposing extra curricula relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Workshops and visits also enhance student engagement and interest, though to a slightly lesser extent than that of well-being. The fact that object-based learning activities, especially when performed outside the regular classroom environment, such as in a museum or collection space, appear to meet the expressed needs of the students is encouraging

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