Workshop: Lassoing unicorns: how to map capabilities for better interdisciplinary research


Sometimes doing interdisciplinary work feels like trying to lasso unicorns. Working with big players from foreign disciplines and interdepartmental drifters. Negotiating over language and frameworks. Agreeing common research questions. All the while trying to gather data and do good work. Building on methods developed in ESRC and Horizon 2020 funded projects on interdisciplinary research, this workshop will: a) introduce the concept interdisciplinary capabilities - the disciplinary skills and informal aptitudes needed for people like environmental engineers, ecological economists and machine learning developers to work well together. b) present a mixed-method approach to mapping capabilities using bibliometric analysis and interviews. c) offer hands-on reflexive exercises on personal ‘capability mapping’, tailored to workshop participants The session will help scholars of all levels recognise power and knowledge in research and identify opportunities to steer that research together

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