Introduction: Obturation techniques require endodontic sealer and gutta-percha, which fills most of the endodontic space. No optimal sealer material was identified to complete the requires of endodontic obturation.
Aims: The aim of this in vitro study is to evaluate the leakage after obturation with sealer and Termafil obturator.
Materials and Methods: A total number of 30 human onerooted extracted teeth were included in this study. The teeth were preserved in normal saline after extraction. The crown at the cement-enamel junction was removed. The canal length and glide path was formed with hand K-file (Dentsply, Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) No. 15. There were 3 experimental groups according to the sealers used. They were instrumented with Pro Taper Gold Rotary system (Dentsply, Maillefer) according to the manufacturer’s instruction. After the protocol of irrigation with sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine gluconate and EDTA the groups were obturated with sealers.
1 group (n=10 teeth): obturated with Endometasone N + Thermafil obturator
2 group (n=10 teeth): obturated with Ah plus + Thermafil obturator
3 group (n=10teeth): obturated with GJC + Thermafil obturator
The samples were placed in 2 % methylene blue solution for 2 days, washed under water, dried and were longitudinally sectioned in a vertical direction.
Results and discussion: Tested group opturated with Thermafil obturator and Endometasone N showed higher percentage of leakage than others.
Conclusions: The results have shown that all tested group have a percentage of leakage, but the group with glass ionomer sealer in combination with Thermafil obturator has shown the least leakage.
Keywords: Ah plus, Endometasone N, GJC, Thermafil opturator, Thermaprep Plus