Effect of boron (B) nutrition on development of gray mold in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)


Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) grown in humid and warm conditions is susceptible to the development of diseases, especially gray rot, caused by Botrytis cinerea. Adequate fertilization that provides sufficient boron (B) in plant tissues, especially in the fruit, is suggested as an alternative to control the pathogen. The effect of the microelement boron (B) on the development of gray mold in hot pepper, variety Fortes, was determined. The survey was conducted in commercial greenhouses, with hot water heating, in locality of Bansko, Republic of Macedonia, during 2022. Foliar application of fungicides and boron (B), in the form of 11% borethanolamine, showed phytotoxicity symptoms from boron (B) on the leaves of pepper plants and increased disease development. Further research should be done to determine the relationship between fungicides and the microelement boron, which in mutual treatment cause phytotoxicity in pepper

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