Strategic Utilization of the VR and AR Technologies for the African Cultural Heritage Promotion and Management


The importance and purpose of heritage preservation have been extensively discussed in tourism research and has also been linked with regional and national development strategies. Because of time degradation, human activities, and the overcrowding effect, heritage preservation and reconstruction efforts are becoming critical to ensure the sustainability of heritage sites and disseminate the history and the potential of a region or a country. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) offer useful applications in heritage preservation. This study aims to explore the potential of these interactive technologies to be applied in heritage preservation in Africa, introduce strategies and applications developed Egypt and Tunis but also from Oman, and Finland, and highlight their impact in regional and national socio-economic development. As members of the Time Machine Europe this paper analyzes previous experiences in global scale and aim is to contribute in large-scale digitalization projects in Europe but also world-wide

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