Nozzle-Pressurized Gyration: A Novel Fiber Manufacturing Process


An innovative development of pressurized gyration is presented, incorporating a directional nozzle system. Thus, nozzle-pressurized gyration is used to prepare polymeric fibers. In this work, three different polymeric fibers (polycaprolactone, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and polyethylene oxide) manufactured by the original pressurized gyration and nozzle-pressurized gyration are compared. Under the same processing parameters (working pressure, rotational speed, and collection distance), nozzle-pressurized gyration is proved to be a highly efficient spinning technology for uniform and uniaxially oriented fiber products. The effects of the spinning vessel geometry on the morphology and alignment of gyrospun fibers are elucidated. This work also reveals the relationship between fiber morphology and collection distance in nozzle-pressurized gyration. Varying the collection distance provides a useful approach to the synthesis of uniform fibers with anisotropic arrangement

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