Quarantime: Lockdown and the global disruption of intimacies with routine, clock time, and the intensification of time-space compression


Global lockdowns have resulted in a challenge to our carefully constructed no-tions of time, the work week and time-space compression. For the past few months, we have been living in ‘Quarantime’. Quarantime moves differently than our daily lived temporalities of routine and order, and forces us to question the intimate relationship that we may have with how we structure our daily lives around a clock and timesheet. This article questions the challenges and opportunities inherent within the disruption of routine intimacies enacted through Quarantime, drawing on case studies of clock time and the work week, and through examining Quarantime’s unique relationship to time-space compression. It will suggest that Quarantime opens up a space for us to question intimate attachments to enforced routine and wide institutionalised concepts of clock time

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