Quantum mechanics describes the smallest systems, whilst classical physics describes macroscopic scales. However, the quantum-to-classical transition is a major unsolved problem. In this thesis, we develop further understanding of the transition through the concept of objectivity. The objects we perceive in our everyday world are objective: they exist regardless of observation, and their properties are independent of observers. This is because information about everyday objects came be found, for example, in the surrounding photon environment. Quantum Darwinism is a conceptual and theoretical framework that describes the emergence of objectivity. The “Darwinistic” part refers to how certain types of information tends to spread at the expense of others. The thesis addresses the quantitative description of objectivity, the dynamics of emergent objectivity, and the analysis of non-objectivity in experimental and biology-inspired systems. Firstly, we propose two new mathematical frameworks to describe objectivity, Strong Quantum Darwinism and invariant spectrum broadcast structure. Then we unite them with the pre-existing frameworks, Zurek's Quantum Darwinism and spectrum broadcast structure, by identifying their deep connections and differences. These conditions highlight how Each framework considers varying amounts of objectivity in the system and environments and together, they create a hierarchy of objectivity. We then analyse objectivity in a scenario where system-environment interactions are strong and non-Markovian, highlighting some practical differences between the Quantum Darwinism frameworks. Next, we describe the quantum channels that create objective states, leading us to discuss the contribution of non-Markovianity to the emergence of objectivity. Then, we introduce a witnessing scheme that simplifies the detection of non-objectivity to promote further experimental testing of Quantum Darwinism with larger environments. Finally, we examine the contribution of quantum coherence and non-objectivity to the performance of a biological-inspired quantum magnetic sensor that operates close to the quantum-classical boundary. We find that the sensor operates in a non-objective regime, and that quantum coherence is necessary for the sensor's performance. The quantum-to-classical transition is a longstanding open question: these findings deepen our knowledge of how objectivity emerges, and contributes to and the types of interactions that keep systems quantum, which is relevant for understanding quantum biological systems and exploiting environment effects in novel quantum technologies. While the quantum-to-classical transition remains unsolved, Quantum Darwinism and its frameworks contribute to the understanding of emergent objectivity and have much potential to further explore aspects of the transition within the structure of quantum mechanics