DNS of a diffusional jet flame in turbulent cross-flow using a low Mach number solver


Understanding of flame anchoring in a jet in crossflow (JICF) configuration is vital to the design of fuel injectors in combustion devices. The present study numerically investigates a hydrogen rich jet injecting perpendicularly into hot vitiated crossflow using direct numerical simulation (DNS). Development of the reacting flow field and flame shape along the jet trajectory is scrutinised. The flame is found to be anchored around the jet exit, and downstream only on the windward side. Heat release rate and Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis (CEMA) are used to identify combustion modes. Distinct from flames stabilizing in non-vitiated crossflow where combustion is mainly partially premixed, diffusion flame is significant under the current condition, though some premixed or partially premixed regions are found on the leeward side of the jet due to large scale turbulent mixing

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