Dual-modality fibre optic probe for simultaneous ablation and ultrasound imaging


All-optical ultrasound (OpUS) is an emerging high resolution imaging paradigm utilising optical fibres. This allows both therapeutic and imaging modalities to be integrated into devices with dimensions small enough for minimally invasive surgical applications. Here we report a dual-modality fibre optic probe that synchronously performs laser ablation and real-time all-optical ultrasound imaging for ablation monitoring. The device comprises three optical fibres: one each for transmission and reception of ultrasound, and one for the delivery of laser light for ablation. The total device diameter is < 1 mm. Ablation monitoring was carried out on porcine liver and heart tissue ex vivo with ablation depth tracked using all-optical M-mode ultrasound imaging and lesion boundary identification using a segmentation algorithm. Ablation depths up to 2.1 mm were visualised with a good correspondence between the ultrasound depth measurements and visual inspection of the lesions using stereomicroscopy. This work demonstrates the potential for OpUS probes to guide minimally invasive ablation procedures in real time

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