Vaccination training in Australian undergraduate pharmacy curricula


Context: Recently, legislation has been modified to allow pharmacist administered vaccinations in some Australian jurisdictions. Therefore it is appropriate that pharmacy students are appropriately trained and certified competent to deliver such a service to patients. Such competence will be achieved through the successful completion of approved and validated undergraduate vaccination training program.Description: This short description outlines the progress to date on the development of an Australian, pharmacist specific, validated vaccination training program (VTP) to be integrated within undergraduate pharmacy training, as identified modules with assessed competency. The training program has been developed with consideration of the learner context, teaching context, subject matter and strategic approach.Evaluation: To validate the proposed and developed undergraduate vaccination training program, four focus groups for consultation are in progress.Future plans and implementation: The developed validated undergraduate vaccination training program will be delivered to Australian and Sri Lankan pharmacy students in 2015. On completion, pharmacy students will be surveyed, with the aim to identify participant satisfaction with program delivery. Collection and analysis of survey and assessment data will then be analysed.Successful completion of the embedded training program will contribute to pharmacy student graduate preparedness to administer vaccinations in a safe, competent and ethical manner

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