Semiautomatic generation of CORBA interfaces for databases in molecular biology


The amount and complexity of genome related data is growing quickly. This highly interrelated data is distributed at many different sites, stored in numerous different formats, and maintained by independent data providers. CORBA, the industry standard for distributed computing, offers the opportunity to make implementation differences and distribution transparent and thereby helps to combine disparate data sources and application programs. In this thesis, the different aspects of CORBA access to molecular biology data are examined in detail. The work is motivated by a concrete application for distributed genome maps. Then, the different design issues relevant to the implementation of CORBA access layers are surveyed and evaluated. The most important of these issues is the question of how to represent data in a CORBA environment using the interface definition language IDL. Different representations have different advantages and disadvantages and the best representation is highly application specific. It is therefore in general impossible to generate a CORBA wrapper automatically for a given database. On the other hand, coding a server for each application manually is tedious and error prone. Therefore, a method is presented for the semiautomatic generation of CORBA wrappers for relational databases. A declarative language is described, which is used to specify the mapping between relations and IDL constructs. Using a set of such mapping rules, a CORBA server can be generated automatically. Additionally, the declarative mapping language allows for the support of ad-hoc queries, which are based on the IDL definitions

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