Meat of native pigs breeds as a raw material for traditional products obtained in Serbia and Poland


The global tendency to increase the productivity of livestock leads to the displacement of native animal breeds by modern, selected breeds or production lines that grow faster and are characterized by better meat yield. However, with an increase in productivity, resistance to adverse environmental conditions decreases, the morbidity of animals increases. An alternative are native breeds that are adapted to local (often difficult) climatic conditions, are an important element of the landscape and constitute an invaluable genetic resource for the population and genetic variability. An example can be the native breeds of Serbian (Mangalica, Moravka, Resavka) or Polish (Puławska, Złotnicka White, Złotnicka Spotted) pigs. The aim of the study was to analyze the quality of meat and cold cuts from pigs of the Mangalica and Moravka, as well as Puławska, Złotnicka White and Złotnicka Spotted breeds. The meat of pigs of native breeds was characterized by very good culinary and processing quality. Particularly noteworthy is the higher content of intramuscular and intermuscular fat, which has a positive effect on the taste of cold cuts and marbling of meat. The fatty acid profile of the fat of breeds kept in Serbia was more favorable compared to Polish breeds - higher content of essential fatty acids. Serbian and Polish cured meats differed in taste, color parameters and the level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The Carpathians are the limit of the variety of cold cuts, especially sausages

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