Comercio protohistórico: el registro del Nordeste peninsular y circulación de mineral de plomo en Ibiza y el Bajo Priorato (Tarragona)


Our recent research shows that lead from the Baix Priorat (Tarragona) mining area circulated in the Phoenician-Tartessian sphere. However, archaeometallurgical analysis of a group of ore and metallic samples from the island of Ibiza reveals the exploitation of local galena, whose use co-existed on the sa Caleta site with ores from Cartagena; on the other hand, lead from the Priorat mining area is not attested. If we also take into account the information provided by 7th-6th centuries BC pottery from Ibiza and Catalonia, a variety of trade networks between the south and the north-east of Iberia emerges

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