Neural representations for object capture and rendering


Photometric stereo is a classical computer vision problem with applications ranging from gaming, VR/AR avatars to movie visual effects which requires a faithful reconstruction of an object in a new space, and thus, there is a need to thoroughly understand the object’s visual properties. With the advent of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) in the early 2020s, we witnessed the incredible photorealism provided by the method and its potential beyond. However, original NeRFs do not provide any information about the material and lighting of the objects in focus. Therefore, we propose to tackle the multiview photometric stereo problem using an extension of NeRFs. We provide three novel contributions through this work. First, the Relightable NeRF model, an extension of the original NeRF, where appearance is conditioned on a point light source direction. It provides two use cases - it is able to learn from varying lighting and relight under arbitrary conditions. Second, the Neural BRDF Fields which extends the relightable NeRF by introducing explicit models for surface reflectance and shadowing. The parameters of the BRDF are learnable as a neural field, enabling spatially varying reflectance. The local surface normal direction as another neural field is learned as well. We experiment with both a fixed BRDF (Lambertian) and a learnable (i.e. neural) reflectance model which guarantees a realistic BRDF by tieing the neural network to BRDF physical properties. In addition, it learns local shadowing as a function of light source direction enabling the reconstruction of cast shadows. Finally, the Neural Implicit Fields for Merging Monocular Photometric Stereo switches from NeRF’s volume density function to a signed distance function representation. This provides a straightforward means to compute the surface normal direction and, thus, ties normal-based losses directly to the geometry. We use this representation to address the problem of merging the output of monocular photometric stereo methods into a single unified model: a neural SDF and a neural field capturing diffuse albedo from which we can extract a textured mesh

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