
Hand to mouth: automatic imitation across effector systems


The effector-specificity of automatic imitation was investigated using a stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) procedure in which participants were required to make an open or a close response with either their hand or their mouth. The correct response for each trial was indicated by a pair of letters, and each of these imperative stimuli was accompanied by task-irrelevant action images depicting a hand or mouth opening or closing. Relative to the response, the irrelevant stimulus was either movement compatible or movement incompatible, and either effector compatible or effector incompatible. A movement compatibility effect was observed for both hand and mouth responses. These movement compatibility effects were present when the irrelevant stimulus was effector compatible and when it was effector incompatible, but they were smaller when the irrelevant stimulus and response effectors were incompatible. These findings, which are consistent with the associative sequence learning model of imitation, indicate that automatic imitation is partially effector-specific, and therefore that the effector specificity of intentional and instructed imitation reflects, at least in part, the nature of the mechanisms that mediate visuomotor translation for imitation

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