VetBioNet seeks to strengthen the European capacity and competence to meet the challenges of emerging infectious disease outbreaks by establishing a comprehensive network of European BSL3 infrastructures, academic institutes, industries and international organisations.To reach this overall objective, the Activities of VetBioNet are dedicated to:• Opening the VetBioNet infrastructure resources to external users by providing Transnational Access (TNA) to BSL3 animal experimental facilities and laboratories, technological platforms, and sample collections.• New scientific and technological developments.• Enhanced preparedness of the major European BSL3 research infrastructures that will allow a swift response to (re-)emerging epizootic and zoonotic threats.• Harmonization of Best Practices and a larger use of global standards in European BSL3 infrastructures.• Determining the social impact deriving from VetBioNet activities.• Establishing a sustainability plan that will allow VetBioNet to offer its services beyond the project duration.• Providing improved scientific and technological standards for the services offered by the VetBioNet infrastructures