Legal and Community Input in the Record of Decision for the Bluegrass Army Depot


The Bluegrass Army Depot of Richmond, Kentucky is owned and operated by the United States Army to demilitarize the chemical weapons stockpile facility. The citizens of Richmond filed a civil suit against the Army for wanting to incinerate the stored chemical weapons. This research compiles an overview of the history of chemical weapons, current laws and legislation regarding the facility, political implications, public opinions surrounding the installation, facility stockpiles and ammunition, chemical weapons dissemination methods, and specific analysis and research dedicated to the Bluegrass Army Depot’s project stages, destruction technologies, and public involvement. The central purpose is to compile a unique overview of all relevant information because the topic of chemical weapons stockpile and dissemination is seemingly taboo with little literature published on these installations. This research contains a literature review of Warren et al.’s document “Chemical Weapons Destruction: Advantages and Disadvantages of Alternatives to Incineration,” provoking key questions about dissemination methodology and technology. The study not only details incineration and alternative chemical weapons disposal technologies, but specifically tailors these details to the nine United States chemical weapons storage facilities. The final results of this study outline the Bluegrass Army Depot’s remaining ammunition, dissemination processes, and public outreach

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