
Beragamnya laporan dalam studi primer serta heterogenitas hubungan antara self-efficacy dan kemampuan penalaran serta pemecahan masalah matematis yang dihasilkan. Akibatnya, perlu dilakukan studi meta-analisis untuk memeriksa ukuran efek keseluruhan hubungan antara self-efficacy dan kemampuan penalaran serta pemecahan masalah matematis. Google scholar, Semantic sholar dan ERIC menjadi database dalam pencarian studi primer, dengan memasukkan kata kunci yang telah ditentukan, ditemukan 30 artikel yang diterbitkan rentang tahun 2015 hingga 2022. Alat bantu analisis menggunakan CMA, dan indeks ukuran efek dari persamaan Fisher, ditentukan berdasarkan pada estimasi model efek-acak. Hasil penelitian ditemukan ukuran efek secara keseluruhan dari hubungan antara self-efficacy dan kemampuan penalaran serta pemahaman masalah matematis adalah 0.707. Temuan ini mengindikasi bahwa terdapat hubungan yang kuat. Analisis terhadap tingkat variasi studi dilakukan dengan memepertimbangkan empat variabel moderator, menghasilkan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam hal konten matematika (Qb=14.491 dan p0.05), jenjang pendidikan (Qb=0.947 dan p>0.05) dan tempat penelitian (3.075 dan p>0.05) tidak mengubah ukuran efek hubungan antara self-efficacy dan kemampuan penalaran serta pemahaman masalah matematis. Fakta ini berkontribusi sebagai informasi dasar untuk dipertimbangkan di penelitian selanjutnya. The variety of reports in the primary studies and the heterogeneity of the relationship between self-efficacy and the reasoning ability and also mathematics problem solving. As a result, it is necessary to conduct a meta-analytic study to examine the overall effect size of the relationship between self-efficacy and the reasoning ability and also mathematics problem solving. Google scholar, Semantic sholar and ERIC became databases in the search for primary studies, by entering predetermined keywords, 30 articles were published ranging from 2015 to 2022. The analytical tool used CMA, and the effect size index from Fisher's equation, was determined based on estimation of random-effect models. The results of the study found that the overall effect size of the relationship between self-efficacy and the reasoning ability and also mathematics problem solving was 0.707. This finding indicates that there is a strong relationship. Analysis of the study's level of variation was carried out by considering the four moderator variables, resulting in significant differences in terms of mathematics content (Qb=14.491 and p0.05), education level (Qb=0.947 and p>0.05) and location of study (3.075 and p>0.05) did not change the effect size of the relationship between self-efficacy and the reasoning ability and also mathematics problem solving. This fact contributes as basic information to be considered in future research

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