Development of a Breeders’ Toolkit for Drought Resistance in a \u3cem\u3eLolium/Festuca\u3c/em\u3e Hybrid


Lolium multiflorum (Lm) is considered an ideal grass for European agriculture. However, existing high-quality forage Lm cultivars have been bred for intensive systems in benign environments, and have proved to be insufficiently robust to meet many of the environmental challenges that face extensive agriculture in more extreme conditions. Genes for persistency, tolerance of cold, drought and poor soils, can be found in currently under-exploited native Festuca ecotypes. These Festuca ecotypes cannot however compare with Lm cultivars for productivity or quality of forage under favourable conditions. Festuca glaucescens (Fg) is of Mediterranean origin and as such is adapted to drought and heat stress. The object of this work was to introgress a single chromosome segment of Fg containing genes for drought resistance into a diploid Lm background. Subsequent to the introgression of a Fg chromosome segment, Fg markers were mapped and a prototype toolkit developed to follow the genes for drought resistance through a breeding programme

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