Participative Decision Mechanisms for Sustainable Development in Co-Operative Livestock Systems in Europe


Alpine pastures have been used for centuries and have a specific economic, ecological and cultural history that gives local identity. Alpine pastures, used only in summer, are endangered due to modern farming methods and economic conditions. The consequences include loss of biodiversity, traditionally used landscapes and socio-cultural identity in marginal regions (Riseth et al., 2003). As the Entlebuch UNESCO Biosphere Reserve was established by its inhabitants in a participative process, sustainable development in alpine pastures is also implemented by stakeholder participation. The methodology of participative decision mechanisms were used in two EU-projects: LACOPE: Landscape development, Biodiversity and Co-operative Livestock Systems in Europe, developing references for sustainable development in marginal regions and VisuLANDS: Visualisations Tools for Public Participation in the Management of Landscape Change. The main objective was to improve participative decision mechanisms using visualisation tools

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