Are You Safe at Home?: Rebuilding a Program


The purpose of this doctoral capstone project was to complete a program evaluation of the Safe at Home program provided by Rebuilding Together Minnesota (RTMN). The program evaluation assessed the efficiency of the program and identified areas for improvement. The program evaluation used the Framework for Program Evaluation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as the conceptual framework. Four themes were identified by RTMN staff to guide the program evaluation activities: 1) operational efficiency, 2) funding and resource deficits, 3) future goals, and 4) relationship and communication. The key themes from the other participants that informed the program evaluation process included: 1) a set volunteer schedule, 2) improved communication after an installation, and 3) other Rebuilding Together affiliates have occupational therapists complete home assessments year-round. The program evaluation resulted in the creation of 1) a logic model of the Safe at Home program, 2) a Safe at Home protocol for new staff to use as a cheat-sheet, 3) process updates to the program including a Shared Drive on Google Drive, 4) updated pre- and post-screen script and tables, 5) a new method for scheduling installations using My Maps from Google Maps, 6) a home modification handout, and 7) a presentation to RTMN about the program evaluation. A post- survey completed following the program evaluation activities found that the program evaluation improved the program’s efficiency and ability to get services to clients in a more timely manner. The recommendations as a result of the program evaluation include 1) set volunteer times, 2) having a Salesforce super-user, 3) mechanisms to increase outreach, 4) updating the pre- screen assessments, 5) opportunities to increase funding, and 6) conducting a program evaluation for the Home Repair and Ramps programs

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