Tvorba hadrona u fazi kvark-gluon plazme ultrarelativističih sudara teških iona


We describe the quark gluon plasma (QGP) as a thermalized quark–gluon system, the thermalized QGP phase of QCD. The hadronization of the thermalized QGP phase is given in a way resembling a coalescence model with correlated quarks and antiquarks. The input parameters of the approach are the spatial volumes of the hadronization. We introduce three dimensionless parameters, CM, CB and CB¯ , related to the spatial volumes of the production of low-lying mesons (M), baryons (B) and antibaryons (B). We show that at the temperature ¯ T = 175MeV our predictions for the ratios of multiplicities agree well with the presently available set of hadron ratios measured for various experiments given by the NA44, NA49, NA50 and WA97 Collaborations on Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV/nucleon, the NA35 Collaboration on S+S collisions and the NA38 Collaboration on O+U and S+U collisions at 200 GeV/nucleon.Opisujemo kvark-gluon plazmu (QGP) kao ravnotežni sustav kvarkova i gluona, tj. termaliziranu QGP fazu kvantne kromodinamike. Hadronizacija ravnotežne QGP faze opisuje se slično modelu skupljanja s koreliranim kvarkovima i antikvarkovima. Ulazni parametri ovog pristupa su prostorni volumeni hadronizacije. Uvodimo tri bezdimenzijska parametra, CM, CB i CB¯ , vezanih s prostornim volumenima tvorbe lakih mezona (M), bariona (B) i antibariona (B). Pokazujemo da su na temperaturi ¯ T = 175MeV naša predviđanja za omjere višestrukosti u skladu s poznatim skupom omjera hadrona određenim mjerenjima Pb + Pb sudara u eksperimentima NA44, NA49, NA50 i WA97 na 158 GeV/nukleon, NA35 suradnje za S + S sudare i NA38 suradnje za O + U i S + U sudare na 200 GeV/nukleon

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