From social interactivity to buying: an instagram user behaviour based on the S-O-R paradigm


Social networks are one of the largest and fastest-growing marketing tools in the world. Their strength is proven by 3.8 billion users worldwide in 2020. The tool offers great economic potential for a commercial brand. This paper focuses on the social network sought after by the millennials - Instagram. One advertisement on Instagram can reach up to 849 million users. One-third of socalled stories are commercial and 200 million users a day look at a business profile. The aim of this paper is to characterize the influence of interactivity in the form of ‘liking’, commenting, and sharing on consumer shopping behavior. The partial goal of the paper is to characterize the interests of users on the social network Instagram. The paper is based on the stimulus-organismresponse paradigm developed by Howard and Sheth (1969). The research concerns the influence of interactivity on the motives for using Instagram (O) and especially on brand awareness and the intention to purchase (R). Interactivity only influences responses when it is mediated through the individual’s motivation to use the application, whether for hedonistic or utilitarian reasons. The data were obtained using a questionnaire and were evaluated using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Equation Structural Modelling

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