Pathology of puerperium in goats


Pologija puerperija odnosi se na patološka stanja koja se klinički očituju tijekom puerperija, a obuhvaća upale spolnih organa, intoksikacije i različite deficitarne bolesti. Puerperalne intoksikacije su patološka stanja u koza koja nastaju zbog resorpcije toksina saprofitskih bakterija koje ulaze u porođajni kanal tijekom jarenja i puerperija te raspadnih produkata ploda, posteljice i sadržaja maternice. Upale mogu nastati za vrijeme puerperija kod koza i nazivaju se puerperalne upale. S obzirom na lokalizaciju i proširenost u organizmu mogu biti lokalne i opće, a s obzirom na vrstu uzročnika i bolest koju uzrokuju mogu biti specifične i nespecifične. Razlika između puerperalnih intoksikacija i upala jest stalno prisutna povišena temperatura kod upala i teži poremećaj općeg stanja. Specifične opće puerperalne infekcije rijetko se pojavljuju, a to su plinoviti edemi i tetanus, protiv kojih se koze mogu preventivno cijepiti. Puerperalna hipokalcemija jest poremećaj mijene tvari koji nastaje zbog nedostatnog snabdijevanja kalcijem i magnezijem. Liječenju puerperalnih patoloških stanja treba pristupiti što ranije, a liječenje, ovisno o bolesti, može biti lokalno ili simptomatsko.The pathology of puerperium refers to pathologies that are clinically manifested during the puerperium, and includes genital inflammation, intoxication, and various deficiency diseases. Puerperal intoxications are a pathological condition of goats that occurs as a result of resorption of toxins from saprophytic bacteria that enter the birth canal during parturition and puerperium, and the disintegrated products of the fetus, placenta and uterine contents. Inflammations that can occur during puerperium in the doe are called puerperal inflammations. In relation to their localization and distribution in the body, they may be local or general, and in terms of the type of pathogen and the disease they cause, they may be specific or nonspecific. The difference between puerperal intoxications and inflammation is the constant presence of fever during inflammation, and the more severe disorders of the general condition. Specific general puerperal infections are rare, but they are gaseous edema and tetanus against which goats can be vaccinated preventively. Puerperal hypocalcemia is a metabolic disorder caused by an insufficient supply of calcium and magnesium. Treatment of puerperal pathological conditions should be approached as early as possible, and the treatment, depending on the disease, may be local or symptomatic

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