Spectral Weighting Functions for Single-symbol Phase-noise Specifications in OFDM Systems


For the specification of phase-noise requirements for the front-end of a HiperLAN/2 system we investigated available literature on the subject. Literature differed in several aspects. One aspect is in the type of phase-noise used (Wiener phase-noise or small-angle phase noise). A Wiener phase-noise based analysis leads to contradictions with the type of analysis normally used in the solid state oscillator literature. However, a phase-noise spectrum with a Wiener phase-noise shape can be used provided that the small-angle approximation is satisfied. An other aspect is whether a Fourier Series or DFT based approach is used. The approaches use weighting functions to relate phase-noise power spectral densities to phase-noise power. The two types of analysis are presented in a unified fashion that allows easy comparison of the weighting functions involved. It can be shown that for practical purposes results are identical. Finally phase-noise specifications for the HiperLAN/2 case are presented

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