Screening procedure for complementation-dependent mutants of vesicular stomatitis virus.


To isolate new types of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) mutants, a four-stage screen was developed which identifies and characterizes mutants capable of complementing the defect in the VSV temperature-sensitive mutant tsG11. Two types of mutants of VSV, Indiana serotype, have been found by using the screen; they are new temperature-sensitive mutants which are, of necessity, not in complementation group I and mutants which do not produce plaques under conditions of single infection at 31 C (the normal permissive temperature) and are, therefore, called complementation-dependent mutants. The newly isolated, temperature-sensitive mutants fall into three complementation groups, two of which are congruent with known complementation groups; the newly identified group extends to six the number of complementation groups of VSV Indiana. The nature of the complementation-dependent mutants has not been established, but one was shown to not contain a significant deletion in its nucleic acid

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