Depletion analysis of the HELIOS experiment using the MCB code


The focus of our studies is to present an advanced depletion analysis of the HELIOS experiment by means of the Monte Carlo continuous energy burn-up code (MCB). The MCB was used mainly to calculate nuclide density evolution in nuclear reactor cores. We present the capability of the MCB to investigate the depletion of nuclear fuel samples irradiated in the HELIOS experiment. In our studies we traced the behaviour of the main fissile isotopes, 242mAm and 239Pu, respectively. We also perform a sensitivity analysis to the choice of JEF2.2 and JEFF3.1 cross section libraries in terms of the released fission power and the evolution of actinide inventories. The amount of He produced at the end of irradiation, as well as Am and Pu depletion, were also considered

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