Risk factors of death at patient with severe influenza A(H1N1) pneumonia


In a service evaluation assessment we retrospectively reviewed the notes of 70 adult patients admitted to the hospital and subsequently confirmed to have contracted H1 N1 between November and December 2009. all these patients have hospitalized in ICU Yekaterinburg city. We have defined risk factors of death at patient with severe influenza A(H1 N1) pneumonia the accuracy of each score in predicting outcome was assessed by plotting the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, calculating the area under the ROC curve (AUC) with 95% Confidence intervals and calculating odds ratio (OR). Predictors high risk of death, in our trial, are APACHE II score > 6; SOFA score > 3; LIS score > 2,5; leukocytes numbers 6 баллов; S0FA> 3 баллов; US > 2,5 баллов; число лейкоцитов <2,7 х 109/л; их юных форм лейкоцитов <15 %; количество тромбоцитов <148 х 109/л и коэффициент оксигенации Pa02/Fi02 <268 мм.рт.ст. Из сопутствующей патологии наиболее значимое негативное влияние на течение заболевания оказывают ожирение — OШ =3,18 (95% ДИ 1.08-9,32), и ишемическая болезнь сердца - 0Ш=4,14 (95% Д И 1,31 -3,18)

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