Murine Mammary Tumor Virus Expression During Mammary Tumorigenesis in BALB/c Mice


Steady-state levels of murine mammary tumor virus (MuMTV) RNA were quantitated during mammary tumorigenesis in BALB/c mice by molecular hybridization with a representative MuMTV complementary DNA (cDNA) probe. Hyperplastic alveolar nodule (HAN) lines are preneoplastic mammary lesions that were induced in BALB/c mice by hormones alone or in combination with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene and give rise to mammary tumors. The hormone-induced HAN lines D1 and D2 contained detectable amounts of hybridizable MuMTV sequences. MuMTV RNA sequences were also observed in five of the six transplanted BALB/c mammary tumors that were examined. Similar levels of hybridizable MuMTV RNA were observed between the D1 or D2 HAN line and mammary tumors derived from each HAN line. The D2 HAN line as well as D2, C4, and CD8 mammary tumors accumulated RNA that was apparently homologous to most of the MuMTV genome. Thermal denaturation of hybrids indicated extensive sequence homology between the MuMTV cDNA and hybridizable RNA in the BALB/c HAN lines and mammary tumors. A low level of type C viral RNA was observed in the BALB/c HAN lines and most mammary tumors by molecular hybridization with a cDNA to Moloney murine leukemia virus. These data demonstrate that MuMTV sequences are frequently expressed in hormone-induced BALB/c HAN lines and mammary tumors derived from HAN lines or ductal hyperplasias induced in BALB/c mice by hormones and/or a chemical carcinogen. The transition from the preneoplastic to the neoplastic state in BALB/c mice does not appear to be due to a change in the steady-state levels of MuMTV RNA since the hormone-induced HAN lines and mammary tumors had similar levels of hybridizable MuMTV RNA

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