Standards of representation in political parties


Gender equality is widely accepted by political and institutional actors in Albania and is prominently anchored in the country’s legal framework in line with Albania’s international obligations1 and its efforts towards EU Acquis approximation. Achieving full gender equality at the national level is a human rights issue, closely linked to rule of law and non-discrimination in society. Equal representation in Albania’s political party system is concurrent with the country’s democratic standards, the constitutional obligations and state responsibilities to fight gender-based discrimination, the specific features of the Albanian political system, and the legislation on elections and on political parties. Women’s representation in parliament, government, and local government has increased considerably nationwide after the application of the gender quota in 2013 and 2015. Although the growth curve is reflected across the country, there is a noticeable difference between the regions and among competing political entities. Equal representation in party structures is associated with the introduction and enforcement of gender quotas. Despite positive trends and promises by the political parties in this regard, women’s representation in party decision-making bodies remains low. The main obstacles to the present representation gap are linked to the patriarchal culture that prevails in the society and the political class of the country, and to the weak voice of women in the media and civil society, which has not yet been able to maximize its chances to promote gender equality. However, the existence of positive models of women politicians in social, political and media that effectively promote women in politics and decision-making shows that further investment in promoting gender equality and equal political representation is needed to achieve sustainability and success

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