Penertiban Pelanggaran Pedagang Kaki Lima Oleh Satpol Pp Di Kabupaten Pacitan : Analisis Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Pacitan Nomor 14 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pengaturan Dan Pemberdayaan Pedagang Kaki Lima


Street vendors (PKL) are a type of informal sector business, the largest trading group in society, although the group of street vendors consists of economically weak groups and structurally occupies the lowest position in Indonesia's economic strata. The large number of street vendors today can cause new problems due to violations. The forms of violations committed by street vendors in Pacitan Regency include issues of cleanliness and use of sidewalks. Violations by streetvendors arise because of ignorance and lack of understanding on the part of the publicregarding the existence of Regional Regulations that were made and the lack of awareness to maintain order and comfort in existing public places. The legal basis for controlling street vendors in Pacitan Regency is contained in the Pacitan Regency Regional Regulation Number 14 of 2011 concerning Regulation and Empowerment ofStreet Vendors. The purpose of this study was to find out the analysis of the agreement system for controlling violations of street vendors by Satpol PP in Pacitan Regency andwhether they are in accordance with the facts on the ground or not and to find out the control of street vendors who sell around Pacitan Regency Square. The research method used is an empirical research method or called field research, namely studying the applicable legal provisions and what actually happens in society. From the results of the study, the agreement system carried out between the Satpol PP and street vendors for controlling violations by street vendors uses a letter of agreement agreed upon by both parties containing that the street vendors promise not to commit any more violations. Meanwhile, the control carried out by Satpol PP in the context of controlling violationsof street vendors is carried out directly to the field by means of non-judicial repressive and preventive measures

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