Using Education to Improve Nurse Perceptions on Rounding to Increase Patient Safety and Efficiency of Care on a Behavioral Health Unit: A Quality Improvement Project


Abstract Background: Hourly rounding completed by nursing staff are routinely completed on most inpatient hospital units. Evidence suggests that hourly rounding can improve patient outcomes, patient satisfaction rates, communication, minimize patient requests and improve the nurse patient relationship (Halm, 2009). Additional evidence suggests that inpatient psychiatric patients often feel disconnected from their nurse and hourly rounding is recommended to build the nurse-patient relationship (DaSilva, 2017). However, for successful implementation, nurse perceptions of rounding must be obtained. Local Problem: Hourly rounding is a standard of practice, however, was not being consistently completed. Assessing the nurse perceptions regarding rounding, was imperative understand why and what barriers were. Methods: Employing the Plan, Do, Study, Act framework, over the course of four weeks, nurses on an inpatient behavioral health unit were surveyed, utilizing the NPPRS tool, regarding their perceptions of hourly rounding. Interventions: An educational presentation, utilizing the ICARE model, was presented to nurses and disbursed to others who did not attend the presentation. Following, the nurses were surveyed two weeks later to assess for any changes in nurse perceptions. Results: The results of the project indicated a 10 percent increase in nurse perceptions regarding rounding, following the educational material distributed to all nurses. Conclusion: The NPPRS is an effective tool at understanding nurse perceptions on hourly rounding. Education utilizing the ICARE model was efficient at improving nurse perceptions on rounding. Further education as well as a pilot program implementing hourly rounds should be implemented to understand usability and outcomes on the inpatient behavioral health unit

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