Should Cities Offer Remote Work?


In December 2019, the SARS-CoV-2 virus was discovered in Wuhan, China. This highly contagious virus soon spread rapidly throughout the world and brought many countries and cities to a standstill through lockdowns, travel bans, and fear of illness and death. Many employers abandoned in-person work to prevent the spread of what became known as COVID-19, or COVID. Plans were made instead for employees to work from home as employers created modified work environments and moved meetings to online platforms. In 2022, once the virus was considered to be under control and fear began to subside, employers began to reopen for business and demanded employees return to in-person work. However, the known workplace had been changed forever as it had been proven that employees could successfully work remotely, meaning the flexible and modified workplaces became not only the norm, but the preference, for many employees. This paper will outline the pros and cons for remote workers, and why cities should consider a remote workplace

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