Creative Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Creativity is the ability to produce or develop original work or ideas (APA Dictionary of Psychology, n.d.). Since creativity is a highly prized quality in virtually all aspects of life in the United States (Spencer, 2019), from the professional setting and social circles to leisure activities and daily chores, Yesit is important to foster creative learning environments for children and young adults. The purpose of this study, Creative Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic, is to examine Binghamton University students’ self-perceived creativity levels in various types of learning environments during the pandemic. An online Qualtrics survey of forty-two questions was designed using relevant items from the questionnaire, KEYS: Assessing the Climate for Creativity (Amabile, 1996), along with questions geared to obtain demographic information. We hypothesize that undergraduate students who have an educational environment closest to an in-person class, whether that be all in-person or hybrid learning, have a better view towards their self-perceived creativity over students who have all online classes. The implications behind examining the potential repercussions to young adults’ creativity during the transitory period of undergraduate education, especially in the midst of a global pandemic, includes gaining insight into the positive and negative outcomes different COVID-19 learning environments have on students.

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